1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187
//! # DataMaxi+ Rust SDK
//! This is the official implementation of Rust SDK for [DataMaxi+](https://datamaxiplus.com/).
//! The package can be used to fetch both historical and latest data using [DataMaxi+ API](https://docs.datamaxiplus.com/).
//! - [Installation](#installation)
//! - [Configuration](#configuration)
//! - [Links](#links)
//! - [Contributing](#contributing)
//! - [License](#license)
//! ## Installation
//! ```shell
//! [dependencies]
//! datamaxi = { git = "https://github.com/bisonai/datamaxi-rust.git" }
//! ```
//! ## Configuration
//! Private API endpoints are protected by an API key.
//! You can get the API key upon registering at <https://datamaxiplus.com/auth>.
//!| Option | Explanation |
//!| `api_key` | Your API key |
//!| `base_url` | If `base_url` is not provided, it defaults to `https://api.datamaxiplus.com`. |
//! ## Examples
//! ### CEX Candle
//! ```rust
//! let api_key = "my_api_key".to_string();
//! let candle: datamaxi::cex::Candle = datamaxi::api::Datamaxi::new(api_key);
//! // Fetch supported exchanges for CEX candle data
//! candle.exchanges("spot");
//! // Fetch supported symbols for CEX candle data
//! let symbols_options = datamaxi::cex::SymbolsOptions::new();
//! candle.symbols("binance", symbols_options);
//! // Fetch supported intervals for CEX candle data
//! candle.intervals();
//! // Fetch CEX candle data
//! let candle_options = datamaxi::cex::CandleOptions::new();
//! candle.get("binance", "ETH-USDT", candle_options);
//! ```
//! ### DEX
//! ```rust
//! let api_key = "my_api_key".to_string();
//! let dex: datamaxi::dex::Dex = datamaxi::api::Datamaxi::new(api_key);
//! // Fetch supported intervals for DEX candle data
//! dex.intervals();
//! // Fetch supported exchange for DEX data
//! dex.exchanges();
//! // Fetch supported chains for DEX data
//! dex.chains();
//! // Fetch supported pools for DEX data
//! let pools_options = datamaxi::dex::PoolsOptions::new();
//! dex.pools(pools_options);
//! // Fetch DEX candle data
//! let params = datamaxi::dex::CandleOptions::new();
//! dex.candle(
//! "bsc_mainnet",
//! "pancakeswap",
//! "0xb24cd29e32FaCDDf9e73831d5cD1FFcd1e535423",
//! params,
//! );
//! // Fetch DEX trade data
//! let trade_options = datamaxi::dex::TradeOptions::new().limit(5);
//! dex.trade(
//! "bsc_mainnet",
//! "pancakeswap",
//! "0xb24cd29e32FaCDDf9e73831d5cD1FFcd1e535423",
//! trade_options
//! );
//! ```
//! ## Links
//! - [Official Website](https://datamaxiplus.com/)
//! - [Documentation](https://docs.datamaxiplus.com/)
//! ## Contributing
//! We welcome contributions!
//! If you discover a bug in this project, please feel free to open an issue to discuss the changes you would like to propose.
//! ## License
/// API definitions and related utilities.
pub mod api;
/// CEX-related data fetcher and data structures.
/// This module provides functionality related to centralized exchange (CEX) data.
/// It includes data structures and methods for retrieving candle data, as well as information about supported exchanges, symbols and intervals.
/// # Usage
/// The `Candle` struct is the primary interface for interacting with the CEX data.
/// It provides methods for retrieving data with optional parameters to filter and sort the results.
/// ## Example
/// ```rust
/// let config = datamaxi::api::Config {
/// base_url: None,
/// api_key: "my_api_key".to_string(),
/// };
/// let client = datamaxi::api::Client::new(config);
/// let candle = datamaxi::cex::Candle { client: client.clone() };
/// // Retrieve supported exchanges
/// let exchanges = candle.exchanges("spot");
/// // Retrieve supported intervals
/// let intervals = candle.intervals();
/// // Retrieve supported Binance symbols
/// let symbols_options = datamaxi::cex::SymbolsOptions::new();
/// let symbols = candle.symbols("binance", symbols_options);
/// // Retrieve candle data
/// let candle_options = datamaxi::cex::CandleOptions::new().interval("1h").market("spot");
/// let candle_data = candle.get("binance", "BTC-USDT", candle_options);
/// ```
/// # Error Handling
/// All methods return a `Result` type, which should be handled appropriately to manage potential errors.
pub mod cex;
/// DEX-related data fetcher and data structures.
/// This module provides functionality related to decentralized exchange (DEX) data,
/// It includes data structures and methods for retrieving candle and trade data, as well as information supported chains, exchanges, pools and intervals.
/// # Usage
/// The `Candle` and `Trade` structs are the primary interfaces for interacting with the DEX data.
/// They provide methods for retrieving data with optional parameters to filter and sort the results.
/// ## Example
/// ```rust
/// let config = datamaxi::api::Config {
/// base_url: None,
/// api_key: "my_api_key".to_string(),
/// };
/// let client = datamaxi::api::Client::new(config);
/// let dex = datamaxi::dex::Dex { client: client.clone() };
/// // Retrieve candle data
/// let candle_options = datamaxi::dex::CandleOptions::new().interval("1h").limit(100);
/// let candle_data = dex.candle("kaia_mainnet", "dragonswap", "0x...", candle_options);
/// // Retrieve trade data
/// let trade_options = datamaxi::dex::TradeOptions::new().limit(50);
/// let trade_data = dex.trade("kaia_mainnet", "dragonswap", "0x...", trade_options);
/// // Retrieve available pools
/// let pools_options = datamaxi::dex::PoolsOptions::new().chain("kaia_mainnet");
/// let pools = dex.pools(pools_options);
/// ```
/// # Error Handling
/// All methods return a `Result` type, which should be handled appropriately to manage potential errors.
pub mod dex;
/// Data models representing API responses and optional parameters.
pub mod models;